A Reflection on Van Siclen Ave

I ascend the stairs to the platform when I see her, our souls unite in the flash of a glance as she heads towards the platform on the other side. I don’t know, but I feel it she’s the one, the only one, and now all that separates us is a torrent of electricity, abyss, and steel. We sit across from each other on opposite ends of the platform quietly making eye contact when we suspect the other isn’t looking. I wonder to myself am I enough? Do I possess enough…items, skills, character…to justify calling out to her, to be with her…Stirring the silence the distant squeals of metal and pneumatic gas stretch closer.  I wonder if she wonders about me. Then another walks across my side of the platform…Some exotic beauty, a frightful frame shaped by desire…She eyes me pretentiously as she walks past. I can feel my other’s eyes pressed against my soul…I can feel her aching for me not to look at the dazzling pair of legs that just walked past…it’s a test, a trial, a crucible…one I inevitably fail, I steal a glance and immediately feel unbound from her…I look across to my now lost love desperately…She doesn’t reciprocate, she just stares modestly into the horizon calculating the distance of her train.  The sound of steel is louder now, my train is closer. I feel wracked with guilt as I watch my lover subconsciously tap her boot on the ground in contempt of my betrayal of her.  She probably thinks to herself “I thought you were the one, I thought you were different from every other guy I’ve ever known…” “I am different!” I implore, “I’m not like them…” But in truth, I’ve only managed to convince myself I’m not. Dust stirs and warm air washes over me, the growl of steel crescendos to a roar…my train is here and yet my life is there…I board…the steel trembles…and I’m off towards some lost future without my love.

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